Dans le labyrinth

In the Labyrinth

Publishing History

French Editions

Published 1959 by Les Editions de Minuit.


Dans le labyrinthe, Dans les couloirs du Metropolitain, La chambre
secrete. Suivi de Vertige fixe, par Gerard Genette.  [Paris, Union generale
deditions, 1964, c1962].
Series title:  Le Monde en 10/18 [171/172].

US Editions

Published 1960 by Grove Press. Translated by Richard Howard.

In 1965 Grove Press packaged this with Jealousy as Two Novels: Jealousy and In the Labyrinth. This remains the edition available.

UK Editions

Published 1967 by Calder & Boyars. Translated by Christine Brooke-Rose.

According to MELVYL a French student edition was published in 1983 by B. Blackwell (Oxford), as part of "Blackwell's French texts" series. Edited with introdroduction and notes by by David Meakin. Probably out of print, although several University of California libaries have copies.

